In addition to hardware adjustments for energy saving, with cloud-based smart energy management system which can make energy saving control easier and more effective!
The cloud-based smart energy management system uses VFD, permanent magnet torque control equipment, with sensors, and PLC back-control mechanisms to send back the relevant operating parameters to AWS cloud storage, analysis, monitoring, and data visualization management in real-time. AWS cloud data, in addition to calculating electricity-saving billing statistics, analyze data trends that can be used as a reference for preventive maintenance of "energy-saving targets" to help reduce the risk of sudden downtime, solve on-site problems of mechanical and electrical equipment management, and greatly improve machine performance efficiently!
Data Visualization Management
Real-time Monitoring
Office Buildings
財團法⼈黎明⽂化事業基⾦會附設私⽴黎明社教⽂化推廣中⼼、騰富科技⼤樓、多倫多科技中⼼、林⿍⾼峰⼤樓、⼈⽂經貿⼤樓、世紀⾦融廣場⼤樓、保富通商⼤樓、⽂華國際商業⼤樓、凱捷廣場⼤樓、欣悅騰有限公司-莎多堡精品汽⾞旅館、國際南京⼤樓、新天地國際實業股份有限公司北區分公司-新天地崇德店、凱旋親⽔科技⼤樓、福爾摩莎⼤樓、新中華⼤樓、中⿍⼤樓、信豐利⼤樓、時代廣場⼤樓、惠怡餐飲國際股份有限公司-真膳美饌⼭西店、惠怡餐飲國際股份有限公司 中友分公司真膳美饌中友店、⽐爾蓋茲⼤樓、凱撒世貿中⼼、慶⽲財經⼤樓、遠⾒科技總部⼤樓、遠東巨⼈企業總部、鴻禧仁愛⼤廈、海王經貿廣場⼤樓、NASA科技總署⼤樓、全球⾧昇鴻⼯商園區(甲棟)、全球⾧昇鴻⼯商園區(⼄棟)、家美國際⾦融⼤樓、家扶基⾦⼤樓、⿍天商務⼤樓、傑廣國際⾦融⼤樓、宏春⼤樓、天母華威影城、奧地利科技中⼼、台中⽇光溫泉會館、凌嘉科技、天廈⼤樓、⾼興興業⼤樓…等。
Government offices
Sawege Treatment Plants